Episode Notes
In this episode, we are joined by St. John's College Tutor Michael Grenke to discuss Lise van Boxel's Warspeak: Nietzsche’s Victory over Nihilism and the third essay "What do ascetic ideals mean?" from Friedrich Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals. Lise van Boxel's Warspeak, with an introduction from Grenke, is available from Political Animal Press.
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Note on Warspeak author Lise van Boxel
Lise van Boxel was an expert on Nietzsche, with a particular focus on his view of nihilism. She contributed chapters on Nietzsche to Prefaces for Unwritten Works (St. Augustine’s Press, 2005) and wrote “Nietzsche in Eden” in The Pious Sex (Lexington Books, 2010). She was a professor at St. John’s College (Santa Fe / Annapolis), where she taught courses in mathematics, science, language, religion, literature, and philosophy. She received a B.A., English Literature Specialist and Political Science Major, from Trinity College, The University of Toronto, an M.A. in Political Philosophy from Boston College, and a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from The University of Toronto.
She was also a co-founder of Combat and Classics, a series of podcasts and free online seminars for active duty, reserve, and veteran U.S. military members, sponsored by St. John’s College.
For more information on Warspeak, visit Political Animal Press.
Image courtesy of guille pozzi via Unsplash.
Music, The Prelude to Act I of Parsifal by Richard Wagner, conducted by Karl Much at the 1927 Beyreuth Festival via Wikimedia Commons